AWS Amplify and AWS Cognito: Assignment of users to multiple roles


I have an Angular application in which users should be assignable to multiple roles. In Cognito, it appears as though groups take the place of roles, but I don't see how to assign users to multiple groups/roles. 1) Is that possible, and if so, how? 2) Is it possible to programmatically assign users to roles? And 3) is role assignment implicitly verified on each API request? Thanks.

gefragt vor 2 Jahren1352 Aufrufe
2 Antworten
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

It's not that Cognito uses groups instead of roles, it's that you can use Cognito to map roles to group memberships based on the claims present in the id token that's generated upon authentication. See here for more.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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