Can DMS do mapping that is not simply 1-1 from source to target?


How can DMS do more complex mapping that is not simply 1-1 from source to target? For example, if you need to check for data across multiple tables for some business logic and based on those results, map a certain string over to the target.

2 Antworten
Akzeptierte Antwort

DMS cannot perform complex business logic across multiple tables.

You may want to consider performing the complex logic in the source table itself using views or triggers/procedures. You can then use the resulting view or table as a source for DMS. Note: AWS DMS loads views only in a full-load task.

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You can migrate many to 1 target using multiple dms tasks and multiple staging target tables. Once the data is in target db you can aggregate or merge as per your need.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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