Get AWS caller Identity with .net core


When I execute this with the aws cli, i.ex. inside a fargate task, I can see the UserId that my application is going to use

    aws sts get-caller-identity

with this output on the console

        "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::643518765421:assumed-role/url_process_role/6ae81f92-66f3-30de-1eaa-3a7d1902bad9",
        "UserId": "ARDYOAZLVOAQXTT5ZXTV4:4ea81f97-66f3-40de-beaa-3a7d1902bad9",
        "Account": "692438514791"

I would like to get the same information but using the C# SDK. I tried with the methods exposed in where I can see some account related details but not the assigned UserId.

So far I've tried with this but I cannot see any profile when running in a Fargate task.

var awsChain = new Amazon.Runtime.CredentialManagement.CredentialProfileStoreChain();
System.Console.WriteLine($"Found {awsChain.ListProfiles().Count} AWS profiles.");

My final goal is to get it and add to some task processed with Fargate to save a correlation Id in the database when something fails and easily find the Fargate log stream.

Edited by: guillemsola on May 17, 2019 3:50 PM

gefragt vor 5 Jahren958 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

I finally found it. The example will only work inside an AWS task as the endpoint is not publicly available.

var getSessionTokenRequest = new GetSessionTokenRequest
                        DurationSeconds = 7200 // seconds
                    var stsClient = hostContext.Configuration.GetAWSOptions().CreateServiceClient<IAmazonSecurityTokenService>();
                    var iden = stsClient.GetCallerIdentityAsync(new GetCallerIdentityRequest { }).Result;
                    System.Console.WriteLine($"A={iden.Account} ARN={iden.Arn} U={iden.UserId}");
beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

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