How is Tax calculated in AWS


How is Tax calculated in AWS for everything mainly on data transfer , EC2

gefragt vor einem Jahr2514 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

This depends on the country of registration for your account, your account settings, and by which entity you are billed -

I suggest, if you have any specific concerns related to how tax is applied to usage on your account, to open a billing support case and clarify with the support team, as they'll be able to advise better depending on your account settings.

But here's an example: if you're based anywhere in EMEA, depending on your country, you will be charged different VAT rate - - for example, if you're in Germany, you'll get 19% VAT charged on top of your regular AWS usage charges.

For any specific use cases, I suggest checking with support.

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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