Rekognition Custom Labels Max Results



The AWS Rekognition Service has a limit of 30 Bounding boxs per Image When use Detect Custom Labels Action?
I have tried to change the MaxResults parameter to other value (50) but i still getting the Maximum of 30 My custom Labeled detected on every Image that i use. And it's supposed the Rekognition Model detect more than 30 in the images that i'm using. At first i though the model needs more training to detect more my custom label.
But this happen to every image i use, so i'm starting thinking if this is a Limit.
I'm using confidence = 1%.

Fábio Santos

gefragt vor 3 Jahren509 Aufrufe
3 Antworten

Hi Fábio,
MaxResults does not control bounding box, please see more details in this page:

And the result may have up to 50 bounding boxes.
beantwortet vor 3 Jahren


Thanks for the answer. This 50 it's a hard limit? I want analyze images with more than 50 Labels. It's possible increase this limit or any workaround?

Fábio Santos

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

Hi Fábio,

  • Maximum number of unique labels per manifest is 250. That means, you can train a model that can classify/detect 250 unique labels.
  • Maximum number of labels per image is 50. That means, you can add maximum 50 labels/bounding boxes to your each image.

Please refer this public documentation for more details.

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

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