Best practices for securing service to service REST communication in a microservices architecture


Hi all,

With so many options available ((API Gateway REST API, HTTP API, ALB ) I'm looking for best practices regarding internal service to service communication in a micro service architecture.

Specific questions I have:

  • Which load balancing service to choose when for internal service-to-service communication (API Gateway REST API, HTTP API, ALB)?
  • What is a best practice for securing internal microservices (just by IP range or OIDC) ?
1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

There are multiple considerations when building microservices. What is a good fit depends on your use case, for instance do you run servers or serverless, is service discovery needed, are the services sync or async in nature or mix - best practice can be different depending on the needs.

I would recommend to read this white paper we have on microservices on AWS It will give good overview and lots of context how to approach microservices on AWS.

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

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