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AWS SES Standard Dedicated IP addresses


Hello there, We've got few question related to AWS SES Standard IP address

  • How can we make sure that the IPs we receive do not have a bad history? We have seen problems with the first we received.
  • Can we get 300 IPs at a time? Are there any limitations to the number of IPs we can get from AWS at a time? basically, in the future, our app would require quite a lot of IP addresses to be used for email sending and we need to know would it be possible to request a lot of IP addresses at a time

Thanks in advance!

gefragt vor 2 Jahren672 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

How can we make sure that the IPs we receive do not have a bad history? We have seen problems with the first we received.

I believe you can check it by following the method in the following document.

Can we get 300 IPs at a time? Are there any limitations to the number of IPs we can get from AWS at a time? basically, in the future, our app would require quite a lot of IP addresses to be used for email sending and we need to know would it be possible to request a lot of IP addresses at a time

There does not appear to be a quota on the number of IP addresses.

The IP address request form looks like you can apply for multiple IP addresses.
I believe you can apply for as many as 300 at the same time if you have a valid reason, but I am not sure if your application will be approved.

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beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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