TCP connection dropped on load from NLB


Hi, I am using nlb for serving rtmp connections. Targets of nlb are multiple nodes in eks cluster and on nodes there are nginx-rtmp pods. When i stream multiple streams, i am getting connection dropped at client side, and getting "drop idle stream" log on nginx-rtmp. my idle timeout configuration on nginx-rtmp is 30 sec. I am using ec2 instances to generating load which have 5GB bandwidth.

I am not able to found why this is happening. Multiple connections dropping in a single second. and sometimes all of them are on same node. Also when i am checking NLB access logs i found only two ips in target ip and i am not able to found both ip on any pod or node.

1 Antwort

Rather than setting the nodes as the targets of the NLB, and relying on further resolution by the Kubernetes service, please consider using a Kubernetes LoadBalancer Service object with the AWS LoadBalancer Controller and run it in IP mode to directly target each pod.

  1. Installing AWS LoadBalancer Controller:
  2. Creating the Kubernetes Service object:
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