Newline in python



I have a Lambda function using python script to send email via SES. I need to add a new line between these two output variables so I added "\n" to script but it is not affecting the email in any way. Do you know how to create a new line?

subject = "Report!"

body = "DB is:''"+db_engine+"'',  Count  is:''"+str(rds_count)+"''"

message = {"Subject": {"Data":subject}, "Body":{"Html":{"Data": body}}}
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In your case, you are sending the message body in HTML, so I think you need to break lines with HTML tags.

I think that line breaks can be created by using "<br>" as shown below.

body = "DB is:''"+db_engine+"'',  <br> Count  is:''"+str(rds_count)+"''"
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