Can API Gateway be used as Websocket client?



Is it possible to initiate a WebSocket connection from AWS Gateway, or otherwise set up a Serverless/lambda-based connection to an AWS-external Websocket interface? And if so, how?

Any API Gateway/Websocket question/article/tutorial/example I've come across is about hosting a WebSocket API and having clients connect to it, and not the other way around.

The only related question Ive seen is this one but it has not been answered yet:

Any pointers or help would be much appreciated

1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

No, API Gateway only supports incoming web sockets (and also REST) connections. If you want to initiate a connection to some other service, you will need to write code, using some web sockets library, that runs in a container, to establish the connection. You can't use a Lambda function to run this code, unless you expect the connection to be short lived (up to 15 minutes).

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