Deploy web app to aws iot greengrass


I have developed a react project run by npm start and I would like to deploy it to AWS Iot greengrass. I initialized my component with the component template,and configure the gdk-config and recipe. But when I am building the component of my web application by gdk component build, it said the artifact file is not found. I have placed my project in the s3 bucket with a pth similar to this artifacts/componentName/componentVersion/ and tried placing my project in the src directory and a artifacts directory, but the problem consist. How can I solve this problem? 在此处输入图片描述

2 Antworten
profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor einem Jahr

Hi. I think if you look in Desktop/cp/zip-build you will see you have an archive named The zip build system creates an archive named after the current directory: . Therefore your recipe should specify a zip file name that matches the directory name.

I recommend you add the --debug switch to your 'gdk component build command to get a better understanding on how the zip build system works:

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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