ec2 instance extension


I have just received free tier limit email. 2 questions

  • does my app in the elastic beanstalk env. get aborted shut down when i exceed it or do i get carged automatically when i exceed the usage -how do i extend the power/capacity, etc. of the existing ec2 instance on which my app is running.
gefragt vor einem Jahr195 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
  1. Your environment will not be terminated, charges will start.
  2. See: Configuring Amazon EC2 instances for your environment.
  3. If you want to project your costs, use the Pricing Calculator.
  4. Its a good idea to create a Billing Alarm.
  5. Its a good idea to use MFA on your IAM user accounts and the root user account.
profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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