Add PHP 8.2 to amazon-linux-extras


Currently supported PHP versions within amazon-linux-extras are either out of support or have fewer than 11 months left before their end of life.

In order to enable developers ample time to upgrade applications, test and deploy, can we please get PHP 8.2 supported added as soon as possible?

For reference, here are PHP's current versions and their support timelines:

There are also 3rd party packages (such as Bref) which use the amazon-linux-extras repos for compiling Lambda layers to allow PHP applications to run on ARM/Graviton:

gefragt vor einem Jahr318 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

PHP 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2 are available

% date
Fri Jun 23 15:10:17 UTC 2023
% amazon-linux-extras | grep -i php
43  php8.0                   available    [ =stable ]
60  php8.1                   available    [ =stable ]
62  php8.2                   available    [ =stable ]
beantwortet vor 10 Monaten
profile picture
überprüft vor 21 Tagen

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