The default backup plan or backup file library automatic backup vault cannot be deleted


Using EFS service will automatically create the default backup plan and awsserviceroleforbackup role. The operation backup uses the service role awsserviceroleforbackup permission. The awsserviceroleforbackup role does not have delete permission and cannot be modified, resulting in the role and backup library dead cycle cannot be deleted, After reading the official document that you can't delete this service, you will have a role that can't be deleted. Isn't that reasonable? Is there any way to help the obsessive-compulsive patients delete it?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren348 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

You can update the backup vault policy for your EFS resource and remove the actions "backup:DeleteRecoveryPoint" and "backup:DeleteBackupVault", and try to delete the recovery points and vault again. Please see [1].

[1] Setting access policies on backup vaults -

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