Assign name-server to EC2 instance without using DHCP options


customer claimed that there's delay using dhcp options to assign customer dns namer-servers to the EC2 instance. Is there another way to do so instantly?

gefragt vor 8 Jahren395 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

Updates from entering name servers into the DHCP options set is subject to the renew time on the existing DHCP lease. In general, the customer will need to "trigger" pulling the information from DHCP by rebooting the instance or release/renewing their DHCP lease if they do not want to wait.

The alternative is to hard-code the name server options on the instance, but the customer must be sure it is done in such a way so that their manual settings are not overridden by DHCP.

beantwortet vor 8 Jahren
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überprüft vor einem Jahr

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