how to deploy an ecs service with a task definition that has 2 images with blue green deployment?


I had configured CodePipeline with CodeBuild and ECS blue green as an action provider to deploy my ECS service. In my buildspec.yml I created imageDetail.json like this

{"ImageURI": "imageid"}. 

This setup was working fine when my task definition had only one image.

Now my task definition has two images where one image depends from the other so I changed my buildspec.yml to create an imageDetail.json like this:

[{"ImageURI":"image1"}, {"ImageURI":"image2"}]

When configuring the pipeline with codebuild and ECS blue green deploy with this new task definition and imageDetail.json that has 2 images it is throwing the following error: "Exception while trying to parse the image URI file from the artifact: BuildArtifact."

Then I tried doing this same setup but with ECS (rolling update) as an action provider instead of ECS blue green and it worked. With ECS (rolling update) as an action provider I needed to create an imagedefinitions.json instead of an imageDetail.json. The imagedefinitions.json created in buildspec.yml looks like this:

[{"name":"name1","imageUri":"image1"}, {"name":"name2","imageUri":"image2"}]

However, I want to use ECS blue green as an action provider where I need to create an imageDetail.json in the buildspec.yml file. So, can I create an imageDetail.json with two images like in imagedefinitions.json?

I also made the same question here:

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