Sagemaker batch transform


Hi, it seems that Sagemaker Batch Transform is limited to 100MB payloads I'd like to run preds against a 5GB csv file, what the recommended way to do so?

  • @Olivier_CR - i'm curious , how are you creating this batch jobs, are you doing it via console, cli or using lambda to do it via code?

gefragt vor 6 Jahren1031 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

SageMaker Batch Transform will automatically split your input file into whatever payload size is specified if you use "SplitType": "Line" and "BatchStrategy": "MultiRecord". There's no need to split files yourself or to use large payload sizes unless you have very large single records.

Hope that helps!

beantwortet vor 6 Jahren
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überprüft vor 3 Monaten

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