Bug: Semicolons aren't being escaped in API gateway integration request


We have an API gateway integration request for a GET request which has this set up under "URL Query String Parameters": Name: userAgent Mapped from: context.identity.userAgent

Here's a snippet of the URL that we get from AWS in the integration request: &userAgent=Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+Google-Apps-Script;+beanserver;+%2Bhttps://script.google.com;+id:+UAEmdDd-JF_eZcep6pqc2VRUjSlsCUIm-NA)&page=16

As you can see, some characters are properly escaped. However, the semicolon is not being properly escaped. Semicolons in URI parameter values are supposed to be URI escaped. Please fix this.

1 Antwort

This is a known behaviour, semicolons are not escaped. It's listed under important notes in the documentation. Been like this for a long time, I don't expect it to change. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/api-gateway-known-issues.html#api-gateway-known-issues-rest-apis

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