Wandering in the forest, feeling lost: first-time need to monitor events


I would appreciate guidance in setting up events and insights, please. After several hours I don't seem to be making headway with the documentation. I'm looking to:

  1. Monitor the multiple Oracle alert logs for certain strings (e.g., "ORA-") then email the result sets to certain people when the event is detected.
  2. Monitor the multiple Oracle audit logs for certain strings (e.g., "ALTER AUDIT FILE") then email the result sets to certain people when the event is detected.
  3. Email a daily report of the Oracle audit logs to the ISO, but redacted (filtered) to skip routine messages.

Noob-level advice and examples are appreciated. TIA.

gefragt vor 3 Jahren163 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

I found my own solution.

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

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