Connection Information WordPress needs to access your web server


hello all may i ask you all, i found a problem like in the picture.

Enter image description here

In order to perform the requested action, WordPress needs to access your web server. Please enter your FTP credentials to continue. If you don't remember your credentials, we recommend contacting your web host.

can you please help me to fix this all Thank you

3 Antworten
Akzeptierte Antwort

Hi @Taufiq, I see that you've tagged AWS Transfer for SFTP. Are you having an issue with AWS Transfer Family specifically?

beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • right I just had this problem after migrating from my old hosting to my new amazon hosting.


right I just had this problem after migrating from my old hosting to my new amazon hosting.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

How was this fixed? Having the same issue.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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