Control Tower that the parent organizational unit is not enrolled in AWS Control Tower, when it is


I get the following error when i try to programmatically create a new account in a OU: InvalidParametersException The parent organizational unit 'ou-xxx-xxx' is not enrolled in AWS Control Tower

It's an empty OU without any accounts, but it says registered in the control tower console

1 Antwort

Ok so it's unclear how you are programmatically create new account.

However, I'm assuming you are using the Service Catalog API, as specified here.

Please make sure the ManagedOrganizationalUnit field has the specific format of OU_NAME (OU_ID)

As seen below:

  pathId: "lpv2-7n2o3nudljh4e",
  productId: "prod-y422ydgjge2rs",
  provisionedProductName: "Example product 1",
  provisioningArtifactId: "pa-2mmz36cfpj2p4",
  provisioningParameters: [
      key: "AccountEmail",
      value: ""
      key: "AccountName",
      value: "ABC"
      key: "ManagedOrganizationalUnit",
      value: "Custom (ou-xfe5-a8hb8ml8)"
      key: "SSOUserEmail",
      value: ""
      key: "SSOUserFirstName",
      value: "John"
      key: "SSOUserLastName",
      value: "Smith"
  provisionToken: "c3c795a1-9824-4fb2-a4c2-4b1841be4068"
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  • Just to add on the answer here: the format for the provisioning parameter 'ManagedOrganizationalUnit' must match this for all level 2 and deeper nested OUs, the level 1 OUs (directly underneath the root level) do not require the 'OU (ou-id)' format.

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