Can a DMS task have single source with multiple targets.


We have an RDS instance and want to replicate the data of the tables in that RDS to multiple targets. Below are the requirements.

  1. Migrate data from source (RDS) to target (RDS).
  2. Migrate data from source (RDS) to target (Kinesis).
  3. Migrate data from source (RDS) to target (S3).
  4. Migrate data from source (RDS) to target (Open Search).
  5. Migrate data from source (RDS) to target (Redshift).

For all the migration tasks, the source is same but the targets are different. Can we do the above mentioned migration with single DMS task or do we have to create multiple DMS tasks by taking a hit on the RDS instance performance?

1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

At this moment, you may have to create multiple tasks.

Reference :

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