onchange function of JavaScript calling in lambda function


Lambda function is using JavaScript We want a drop down button which list of requests When ever we select a request in from the drop down it should update in the query before running the query After finishing the query execution it should not reset the service name drop down

exports.handler = function myFunction(event,context) { var x = document.getElementById("mySelect").value; selectService=x }

            <td>Select Service</td><td><select id="mySelect"  name="selectService" onchange="myFunction()">
            <option selected="${selectService==="END"?"selected":""}" value="END">END</option>
             <option selected="${selectService==="START"?"selected":""}" value="START">START</option>
gefragt vor 2 Jahren278 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

The question is not clear. Can you share an architecture diagram of what exactly are you trying to do with the lambda function and also please provide some details around what is the issue you are facing with the lambda function?

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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