SOC reports from AWS gap


We have retrieved the SOC reports from AWS Artifacts. Is there a gap letter for the SOC report in 2022. In other words, the SOC reports provided covered all the way to 9/31/2022. We need a “gap letter” to cover from 10/1 to 12/31.

gefragt vor einem Jahr580 Aufrufe
2 Antworten
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Hi there, the SOC reports are period of time reports. That does mean they look backwards and the auditor gives a statement over this period of time. The next one will be October2022 till March2023 and will come out somewhere in the beginning April/Mid May (this is not predictable as it is the auditor who needs to make his work on the evidence which is collected in audited time frame). We have a bridge letter[also called as Continuous operations] and statement on artifacts where we state that we keep on maintaining (minimum) the controls of the former SOC report.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr
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überprüft vor einem Jahr

To add, I was able to navigate to, search by "SOC Continued Operations Letter". You will see a report with reporting period "April 1 2022 to current". Thanks!

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