Iam trying to export vm and the error is The image ID (ami-0000000000) provided contains AWS-licensed software and is not exportable.


Iam trying to export vm

my code is aws ec2 create-instance-export-task --instance-id i-***************** --target-environment vmware --export-to-s3-task file://C:\file.json

file.json code is

{ "ContainerFormat": "ova", "DiskImageFormat": "VMDK", "S3Bucket": "export-bucket-20211", "S3Prefix": "vms/" }

the Error is

An error occurred (NotExportable) when calling the CreateInstanceExportTask operation: The image ID (ami-***************) provided contains AWS-licensed software and is not exportable.

1 Antwort

It looks like you are trying to export an instance which was created from image in AWS Marketplace. The other option is that your EC2 instance may contain third-party software provided by AWS. For example, VM Export cannot export Windows or SQL Server instances. Please check this document for more details - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vm-import/latest/userguide/vmexport.html#vmexport-limits

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