Alignment of name servers via Route53



to get my frontend live on my registered domain via Route 53, I understand that I need to align the automatically provided name serves from my hosted zone with the ones for my registered domain. When trying to replace the given name serves in my registered domain, with the ones from my hosted zones (guaranteed no typos), the process of changing those name servers is pending for at least 48 hours until I receive an error. It says that the updating of the serves failed. Does anyone know how to fix this? I can see my frontend already on the public id, but not on the registered domain.

Domain Lock: deactivated Bought my domain at AWS

Thank you for any advice!

gefragt vor einem Monat74 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Some of the troubleshooting options related to using domain names with R53 service are documented here- Have you tried the options listed there with respect to the error being seen? Have you verified that the domain registration status and it is not in pending/renewal state?

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