Deprecation of MySQL Amazon RDS running M3


I have a Reserved instances rds m3.medium that is reserverd along 08 of March 2023, but AWS retired this instances. I would like to cancel this RI.

By e-mail Announcement of AWS quote: "How will my reserved instance(s) impacted? If you have Reserved Instances on M1, M2, M3, R3, or T1, you will be able to cancel them after you create new Reserved Instances for the same value or higher with M5, R5, or T3 respectively."

Do I would like to know how to cancel this RI?

1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

Thank you for asking your question.

Please open a support case to ask this? customer support team will be able to provide how to proceed this RI conversion process.

I hope this might help.

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