Updating AMI with latest DCV version results in Authentication error.


After updating AMI with latest DCV Server, adding it to nimble studio, and then launching via nimble studio portal... I am getting an authentication error on NICE DCV and it will refuse to connect.

Only thing that I can imagine would have cause this is when you install DCV you are met with a page that asks what the default session user is when you start the computer. I left this default to "administrator".

More over, I ran these command in PowerShell to retain the registry keys (scroll to bottom of guide ): https://docs.aws.amazon.com/nimble-studio/latest/userguide/update-win-workstation-ami.html

Any Advice?

gefragt vor 3 Jahren265 Aufrufe
4 Antworten

Oh yall's syntax is wrong in the user guide. there needs to be a break at line 12 after /f:

$autoConsoleSessionRegKey = "HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Software\GSettings\com\nicesoftware
link \dcv\session-management\automatic-console-session"
$connectivityKey = "HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Software\GSettings\com\nicesoftware\dcv\connectivity"
$displayRegKey = "HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Software\GSettings\com\nicesoftware\dcv\display"
reg DELETE $autoConsoleSessionRegKey /v owner /f
reg DELETE $autoConsoleSessionRegKey /v storage-root /f
reg DELETE $displayRegKey /v target-fps /f
reg DELETE $displayRegKey /v quality /f
reg DELETE $displayRegKey /v frames-in-transit /f
reg DELETE $displayRegKey /v frame-queue-weights /f
reg DELETE $displayRegKey /v web-client-max-head-resolution /f
reg ADD $autoConsoleSessionRegKey /v owner /d "ec2-nimble" /f
reg ADD $autoConsoleSessionRegKey /v storage-root /d "C:\Users\ec2-nimble\Downloads" /f
reg ADD $displayRegKey /v target-fps /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
reg ADD $displayRegKey /v quality /d "(20, 100)" /f
reg ADD $displayRegKey /v frames-in-transit /d "(1, 10)" /f
reg ADD $displayRegKey /v frame-queue-weights /d "(5, 3, 1)" /f
reg ADD $displayRegKey /v web-client-max-head-resolution /d "(4096, 2160)" /f

Edited by: thepostflow on Sep 14, 2021 7:38 PM

Edited by: thepostflow on Sep 14, 2021 9:34 PMd

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

Just check the syntax in the guide and that will solve your issue.

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

We will take a look at our guide! Thank you.


beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

Found the same issue and see the problem. Thank you again for pointing this out. Will pass this on to the documentation team.


beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

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