AWS IoT Core credential provider requires private key to be sent


I was reading through these docs and noticed that the steps to request a security token requires the client to send its private key to credential provider service.

curl --cert your certificate --key your device certificate key pair -H "x-amzn-iot-thingname: your thing name" --cacert AmazonRootCA1.pem https://your endpoint /role-aliases/your role alias/credentials

This is mentioned in these docs:

Looking at it superficially, I would think this is a security flaw and would defeat the purpose of using asymmetric keys in the first place.

Any help to help me understand what is going on is greatly appreciated.

1 Antwort
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The private key is never sent to the Credential Provider. It is used to establish a mutual (mTLS) connection with the endpoint. That gives Credential Provider the ability to verify the presented X.509 certificates.

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