Can I use SES and WorkMail on the same domain?


I'd like to receive e-mails on my domain in two ways:

Usually, one cannot run two different email services on the same domain, for obvious reasons, as MX resolves to a single set of servers.

However, WorkMail and SES both being part of AWS, are they based on the same infrastructure / email servers, and as such can they cohabit on the same domain?

Thanks in advance for your reply(ies).

gefragt vor 4 Jahren1750 Aufrufe
2 Antworten
Akzeptierte Antwort


Thank you for your interest in WorkMail and yes you can combine this with SES. You can set-up WorkMail and use that without any worry of SES. For your custom ticket system you can add a rule in the SES inbound rules section. This for the ticketing system email address to be a different action than WorkMail.

For more information on the SES inbound rules:

Kind regards,

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

Thank you, Robin.
After some testing I can confirm that I can use both services on the same domain at the same time!

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

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