Free Tier for Oracle RDS included?


Dear all,

I am new to AWS and trying the free tier service.

According to this guideline:, I think I can have a free oracle database for free for 12 months, however, after I create an oracle instance, it starts to charge me...

Anyone can guide me how to create a free oracle rds instance? or there is no free instance for oracle?

Thanks in advance!!

gefragt vor 2 Jahren455 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

Unfortunately there is no longer a free tier option in RDS for Oracle. Oracle 12c used to be able to run on db.t3.micro instances. However 12c has been deprecated now, and the smallest instance you can use for Oracle 19r is db.t3.small, which is not free tier eligible. Note that the page you linked does not mention Oracle either.

You can check the supported instances here.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • thx for the answer!

  • It's important to note that the Oracle 12c on the db.t3.micro was running under the minimal official requirements that the 12c had, it was already quite a stretch.

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