RDS Continuous Backup to cross region


How to set up RDS(mysql) Continuous backups to cross region using aws backup service or RDS service itself. - Able to create continuous snapshot in same region, but in other region only snapshot is getting created which is not continuous in nature to achieve point in time restore.

  • RDS deployment is created without Multi AZ and standby instance in our case. attached screenshot for refEnter image description here
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2 Antworten

As documentations stands the cross-region Automated Backup(PITR) is not supported neither in AWS RDS Console or AWS Backup for MySQL databases.

What's more, I observed, that AWS Backup is confusing, because when marked Enable continuous backups for point-in-time-recovery AND Copy to destination region indicated, AWS Backup does ONLY regular cross-region snapshots. What is misleading, because Enable continuous backups for point-in-time-recovery is marked, so PITR are expected. It would be nice if someone can confirm my observations.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • I observe the same behavior. Region A has the continuous backup, but region B only has snapshots according to the schedule we define.


You can configure your Amazon RDS database instance to replicate snapshots and transaction logs to a destination AWS Region of your choice. If this is what you are looking for, then here is the guide - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/USER_ReplicateBackups.html

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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