How to use Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM) - Kernel 5.10 on Lightsail?


Creating a new instance using Amazon Linux 2 still loads kernel v4 (April 13, 2022).

gefragt vor 2 Jahren466 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


By default Linux2 Lightsail instance comes with kernel version 4.14.x. You can upgrade your kernel version to 5.10 using amazon-linux-extras library. First verify what kernel versions are available for your instance using the following command:

sudo amazon-linux-extras |grep kernel

If one of the available kernel versions is enabled from the output of the above command. Use the following command to disable it:

sudo amazon-linux-extras disable kernel-<x.x>

If the current enabled version is not disabled you might run into the following error: "Refusing because kernel-5.10 could cause an invalid combination". Once you have verified that none of the available kernels is enabled. You can proceed to install kernel 5.10 using the following command:

sudo amazon-linux-extras install kernel-5.10 -y

To verify that the kernel has been installed use this command rpm -qa |grep kernel. Then reboot the instance to activate the installed kernel.

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