Amazon SES: Complaints from Yahoo


In the last 3 days, the email address for one of the directors of our program has returned 128 complaints from her email address. She has never (at least intentionally or knowingly) marked a message as SPAM. Her email address is not on the suppression list. Our sending Reputation is, Healthy, with a 0.00% bounce rate and a 0.03% complaint rate (mostly yahoo/aol/verizon addresses). These are legit emails being set to volunteers who want the emails.

The response (with personal info removed) is:

This is an email abuse report for an email message with the message-id of [REMOVED] received from IP address [MY SERVER IP] on Wed, 25 May 22 19:15:41 UTC. This is the list of the complaint emails: [DIRECTOR]

Feedback-Type: abuse User-Agent: Simple Email Service - SES Version: 0.1 Received-Date: Wed, 25 May 22 19:15:41 UTC

We have similar issues with other Yahoo / AOL /Verizon email addresses and requesting removal from their lists hasn't helped. Anything else I can do besides find a different SMTP service?

  • 2 months later, this is still a problem. It seems some of our emails go through to Yahoo accounts but some accounts always respond with an Abuse response.

gefragt vor 2 Jahren336 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

I have a very similar problem. I'm getting a complaint report as follows from a user who insists they are not marking the email as SPAM and want to receive the email: This is an email abuse report for an email message with the message-id of ....... Can't seem to find out where to report this to and get an answer. All help appreciated

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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