Issues in EKS is causing new EC2 instances to spin off


I had created EKS cluster with 4 nodes using CLI. the cluster was visible from Management console and 4 EC2 instances was launched. Then i deleted the Kubernetes cluster from Console. It is not showing in Console now. However the 4 EC2 instances continues to exists. if i terminate, it continues to create new EC2 instances. Looks like a defect but i am not sure how to stop those EC2 instances from launching . Also, the billing is going up as the 4 instances are running. Any help on this pls. Thank you.

gefragt vor 5 Jahren394 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

I got solution to this. the entry is Auto Scaling group should be deleted. Deleting cluster will not delete the Auto scaling group.

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

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