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ec2-user user permissions via SFTP are read only. How can I change them to read/write


My developer not familiar with AWS is trying to make needed changes to my wordpress site file system. He logs in with the ec2-user credentials, finds the files that are corrupted but can't delete them. I can't find the feature or section in the console that will allow me to give this instance read/write access. Can some please help me?

gefragt vor 9 Tagen32 Aufrufe
2 Antworten


Gary is right above. Please, ssh to the instance and change the permissions for files or directories following the guidance of this artcile:




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beantwortet vor 8 Tagen
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überprüft vor 8 Tagen

He needs too or you will need to SSH/Connect into the instance and using sudo either change permissions, owner or delete them yourself.

This is simple Linux permissioning and not actually an AWS issue. There is nothing in the console you can configure to allow this

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beantwortet vor 9 Tagen
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