AWS Certificate Manager re-issuing certificate


We have many customer certificates issued by Certificate Manager. One of these certificates appears to have been re-issued. The certificate in question was valid from 8/26/2022-9/24/2023. Now it is valid from 2/24/2023-9/24/2023. This caused some issues with our customer. I checked CloudTrail and no one from our organization made any changes. I haven't seen any notification from AWS about this. The certificate transparency logs still shows the original certificate and hasn't been revoked. I'm just curious how and why this happened.

  • Similar issue. Client does some form of cert-pinning, their process that connects to our Elastic Beanstalk application is now broken until we walk them through getting new cert downloaded and installed. Old cert valid 2022-06-03 to 2023-07-30 New cert valid 2023-02-27 to 2023-07-30 Not seeing any bulletin about this happening. Looks like the intermediate CA changed? Old one says "Amazon", new one says "Amazon RSA 2048 M01"

    EDIT: Whoops, found an email and article about it, clear as day:

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Found an email dated Jan 14th of this year that notified us about the cert migration. More info found here:

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  • Yes, that must be why. Thanks!

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