Java CDK: Create ECR inserts a "null" in the repository name



I'm using Java CDK to create a new ECR instance. Here is a code fragment:

Repository.Builder.create(scope, id).imageScanOnPush(true)

Looking in the AWS Console, the name of the new created repository is "null/my-registry" instead of "my-registry". If I create the new ECR instance in AWS Console then its name is created as expected, i.e. "my-registry" and not "null/my-registry".

What am I doing wrong here ?

Many thanks in advance.


  • I tried to replicate this issue, but it works fine for me. What's your CDK version?

3 Antworten

I'm using the 2.69.0 (build 60a5b2a) version of CDK.

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  • ok, I tried with same version and I don't see the issue. Are you setting this as a public repository?



No, that's a private one. I've attached a screen copy showing a couple of registries created with the code excerpt above.

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Could anybody help with this issue please ?

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