listing put item method


Hello, I have fulfilled all the requirements, but still being asked to enter unrelated features. This " Put listing Item " really works ? I am not sure :) Can you help me this method spesificitions. this is; "required": [ "brand", "bullet_point", "country_of_origin", "item_name", "product_description", "recommended_browse_nodes", "supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation" ] it wants to { "code": "90220", "message": "“merchant_suggested_asin” özelliğinin sağlanması zorunlu ancak sağlanmadı.", "severity": "ERROR", "attributeNames": [ "merchant_suggested_asin" ] }

Note: I just want to update exist stock inventory and price in my seller center, thats it.

gefragt vor einem Jahr373 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Hi - what is the service you are trying to use ? Is this related to a DynamoDB case?

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor einem Jahr

Hi, no it is not related to DynamoDB. PUT /listings/2020-09-01/items/{sellerId}/{sku} this is endpoint: this is Description of service; Creates a new or fully-updates an existing listings item for a selling partner.

finally this is my request body; { "productType": "ELECTRONIC_CABLE", "requirements": "LISTING", "attributes": { "item_name": [{"value":"Fisco Uni Matic Şerit Metre 5 Metre"}], "brand": [{"value":"FISCO"}], "bullet_point": [{"value":"1"}], "product_description": [{"value":"TEST ACIKLAMA"}], "country_of_origin": [{"value": "TR"}], "recommended_browse_nodes": [{ "value": "1" }], "supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation": [{"value": "not_applicable"}] } }

This method returns many requirement, for example; “number_of_items”,“connectivity_technology”,“number_of_boxes” .....

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