Redshift DataAPI BatchExecuteStatement set query_group issue


I want to set query_group when run statements using BatchExecuteStatement. the batch sqls to run is

set query_group to 'group_label';
call sp_abc();
reset query_group;

sp_abc will call 2 procedures sp_child1 and sp_child2.

I check from SVL_STORED_PROC_CALL, found the query_group for sp_abc is set to group_label, but the procedures called in the sp_abc sp_child1 and sp_child2 are not set. it is the expected behavior? As my understand, the query_group of SP called in the sp_abc should also be group_label.


gefragt vor einem Jahr308 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort


It is not the expected behavior. Using Redshift BatchExecuteStatement API, the query_group should be set as same for the parent and child stored procedures.

I could not replicate the issue in my environment and my testing showed that the parent and child procedures called via BatchExecuteStatement had the same query_group assigned from the SVL_STORED_PROC_CALL system view.

To look it further, we require details that are non-public information. Please open a support case with AWS using the following link:

Have a nice day!

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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