AWS Glue says it supports python 3.7 for AWS Glue 2.0 but in reality, only python 3.6 for Python Shell ELT


According AWS Glue release, AWS Glue says it supports python 3.7 for AWS Glue 2.0 but in reality, only python 3.6. Here's the steps that I did. I attached snapshots for additional reference.

  1. Open AWS Glue/ ELT/ Jobs
  2. Select Python Shell script editor
  3. Create job
  4. Only Python 3.6 for Python Shell. open AWS Glue job select python shell aws glue realease

  • Please see my answer with the launch of Glue Python shell support for Python 3.9

gefragt vor 2 Jahren807 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

I found the answer, that python shell only supports 3.6. Reference link:

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

hello, We recently launched support for python 3.9 in Glue python shells and simplified the way it works with additional libraries.

For detailed information please have a look at this blog post.

hope this helps

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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