Best practices for keeping AWS CLI up to date.


The AWS CLI documentation at reads:

"While you might find it in package managers, these are unsupported and unofficial packages that are not produced or managed by AWS. We recommend that you install the AWS CLI from only the official AWS distribution points, as documented in this guide."

In addition, having spot checked this documentation versus the latest release identified by aws --version I have never found the documentation to be accurate. The actual release of AWS CLI is always newer than reported in the documentation.

Manually checking inaccurate documentation as a mechanism to keep up to date with CLI releases is not feasible.

What is the best practice for keeping the AWS CLI up to date with new releases from AWS?

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2 Antworten


The AWS CLI version recorded in CHANGELOG on GitHub is always the latest.

The current latest version listed in CHANGELOG is 2.17.44.
I updated to the latest version of AWS CLI on my local PC, and I was able to confirm "2.17.44", so you can always check CHANGELOG for the latest information.

aws --version
aws-cli/2.17.44 Python/3.11.9 Linux/4.4.0-19041-Microsoft exe/x86_64.ubuntu.20
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You minimally have 1 to a couple of updates of AWS CLI every week.

Knowing that, I have scheduled (cron or alike) a nightly update commands on all my machines (incl a "brew upgrade" on my Mac) to keep all CLIs that I need up to date. I never experienced any problem after such automated updates and it allows me to remain up-to-date.



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