How to add a CodeBuild report for failsafe JUnit tests?


For my integration tests that are run by the failsafe Maven plugin, I added the section "IntegrationReports" in my buildspec file:

  SurefireReports: #surefire junit reports
      - '**/*'
    base-directory: 'target/surefire-reports'
  IntegrationReports: #failsafe junit reports
      - '**/*'
    base-directory: 'target/failsafe-reports'

The surefire reports are generated as expected but for the failsafe the build is failing with a message similar to this:

CLIENT_ERROR: Error in UPLOAD_ARTIFACTS phase: [IntegrationReports: [error processing report: [/codebuild/output/src415328417/target/failsafe-reports/failsafe-summary.xml: expected element type <testsuite> but have <failsafe-summary>]]]

The failsafe-summary.xml is generated by the Maven plugin maven-failsafe-plugin version 3.0.0-M8:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<failsafe-summary xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" result="null" timeout="false">
    <failureMessage xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>

Is there a way to show these reports?

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1 Antwort
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The solution is actually simple: all I needed to do is eliminate the failsafe-summary.xml file from the list of reports. The relevant buildspec fragment becomes:

  SurefireReports: #surefire junit reports
      - '**/TEST*.xml'
    base-directory: 'target/surefire-reports'
  IntegrationReports: #failsafe junit reports
      - '**/TEST*.xml'
    base-directory: 'target/failsafe-reports'
beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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