Simulated Annealing on AWS Braket SDK & Boto3


Hello! I am new to AWS Braket services and still learn its workflow. I have a question about classical part execution. I have installed AWS Braket SDK and Boto3 to submit an algorithm's execution on DWave QPUs from my local environment (physical laptop). What does happen when I execute Simulated Annealing algorithms available in the DWave Ocean SDK alongside with its quantum counterpart? Is simulated annealing executed on a local environment (laptop) or is it submitted to AWS cloud? What if I want to execute quantum-classical algorithm, where is the classical part executed, locally or on cloud? If everything is submitted to AWS (including classical portion), how could I possibly find costs of classical computation service? Thank you in advance!

gefragt vor 2 Jahren277 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
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When using D-Wave Ocean SDK, your simulated annealing will execute in your local environment. Only the tasks for the D-Wave QPU will accrue costs with Amazon Braket. There are no additional charges from Braket for the classical components of your execution. If your local environment is hosted on AWS such as a Braket notebook, there may be costs for that environment to run.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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