How to delete group in Cognito which is using lambda and javascript. It gave me 404 error.


I am playing with this tutorial,

I wanted to add the delete function for cognito group. But I could not.

This is What I did. 1. amplify/backend/api/twittercommunity/schema.graphql

type Tweet @model @auth(rules: [ { allow: owner, operations: [create, delete] }, { allow: groups, groupsField: "community", operations: [read] } ]) { content: String! community: String! }

I add "delete" operations: [read, delete]

  1. amplify/backend/function/AdminQueries/src app.js file:

added this

const { addUserToGroup, removeUserFromGroup, addAndJoinGroup, listGroups, deleteGroup, listGroupsForUser, listUsersInGroup, } = require('./cognitoActions');

app.get('/deleteGroup', async (req, res, next) => { if (!req.body.groupname) { const err = new Error('Groupname is required'); err.statusCode = 400; return next(err); } try { const username = const response = await deleteGroup(username, req.body.groupname); res.status(200).json(response); } catch (err) { next(err); } });

and in the cogintoActions.js

async function deleteGroup(username, groupname) { const params = { GroupName: groupname, UserPoolId: userPoolId }; console.log('delete group', params) console.log(Attempting to remove ${groupname} from ${userPoolId});

cognitoIdentityServiceProvider.deleteGroup(params, function (err, data) { if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); else console.log(data); });

module.exports = { addUserToGroup, removeUserFromGroup, addAndJoinGroup, listGroups, listGroupsForUser, listUsersInGroup, deleteGroup };

and the amplify/backend/function/AdminQueriesXYZ/AdminQueriesXYZ-cloudformation-template.json at the “PolicyDocument” section, added it.


and the src/utils.js

export async function deleteGroup(groupName) { console.log('deleteGroup: ', groupName) await API_NAME, '/deleteGroup', { body: { groupname: groupName }, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: ${(await Auth.currentSession()).getAccessToken().getJwtToken()} } }); await invalidateRefreshToken(); }

and the delete button in the GroupPanels.js Only group-creator can delete the group, and should enter right name of the groupname to delete.

async function handleDeleteGroupClick() { await deleteGroup(window.prompt('Group Name?')) refreshGroups() }

          onClick={() => handleDeleteGroupClick()}
          isDisabled={user.attributes.sub !== owner}>

However, It gave an 404 error. I do not know how to fix it any more. please help me out.

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