AWS Parameter caching layer error


We are currently using the AWS Parameter and Secrets Lambda extension for one of our lambdas. It is based on the guidance provided in the following AWS blog post: The setup: Python 3.9, architecture x86_64 , layer arn: arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:015030872274:layer:AWS-Parameters-and-Secrets-Lambda-Extension:4.

While the extension generally works well, every now and then we have been experiencing intermittent errors when trying to parse the response data returned by the extension's cache.

json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

This error occurs when we attempt to load the response data using the following piece of code:

response = json.loads(

That suggests the cache may sometimes contain invalid characters or empty strings. We can implement retry policy, but what can be a root cause of this issue ?

  • How does the response in those cases look like? Can you log the response structure in general and the specifically? That would give you an idea what failed.

  • Sorry for late response. The additional information, when successful is in format {"token": "xyz"} and once it fails = 'not ready to serve traffic, please wait'. Looks like there is some time delay sometimes here for the layer.

1 Antwort

It's almost impossible to guess the root cause of this issue given the provided information. It is always a good idea to handle known error-cases. If you log the response you may get additional information that leads you to the root cause.

To handle the error you could do:

        result = json.loads(
    except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
        result = {}
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