AWS SSM Automation with PatchInstanceWithRollback failing on SuSE SLES

  1. Is there a possibility to add additional parameters for the AWS-Automation PatchInstanceWithRollback for SuSE SLES?
  2. Why is AWS SSM using "zypper update" and not "zypper patch" to patching the System? (zypper patch is the recommende way to patch the system without braking dependencies, interative mode .....)

The Problem: The document PatchInstanceWithRollback uses the "zypper update" command on SuSE SLES. Per default, SLES always asks for confirmation about the licenses. The call with the -"-non-interactive parameter" is not sufficient.

Here is an extract from the log:

'zypper', '--non-interactive', 'update']", CLIInvokerException('Subprocess returned error code 4 for command [b'zypper', b'--non-interactive', b'update', b...........Note: System reboot required.\nContinue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): y\nDo you agree with the terms of the license? [yes/no] (no): no\nAborting installation due to the need for license confirmation.\nPlease restart the operation in interactive mode and confirm your agreement with required licenses, or use the --auto-agree-with-licenses option.\n" During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred...:

The Workaround at the moment is to set the parameter autoAgreeWithLicenses = yes in the zypper.conf but this is really bad.

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