Active VPCs, subnets and security groups in aws regions I don't use


Looking at the Resource summary page for EC2, I just find out that I have VPCs, subnets and security groups active in various AWS regions. I honestly don't remember how I created them so I wonder if they gets created automatically in some way?

Do I need them? I only have EC2 instances in us-east-1.

Am I going to be charged for them? If so, how can I do some clean-up?


1 Antwort
  1. Yes, default VPCs get created in the regions.
  2. Do you need them. No, not really. You can always recreated them if you delete them.
  3. Do they cost anything? No.
  4. You can Delete your default subnets and default VPC
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beantwortet vor einem Jahr
profile pictureAWS
überprüft vor einem Jahr

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