Is it possible to speed up deletion of a VPC attached lambda, within a CloudFormation stack?


When deploying a stack (with CDK) containing a lambda attached to a VPC, then destroying the stack, it takes around 45 minutes to delete a lambda attached to a VPC.

I believe this is because the elastic network interface associated with the lambda takes this long to remove, but as I am only testing deployment the eni should not be in use.

Is this a known issue and can anything be done to improve the experience around this?

gefragt vor einem Jahr1086 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

I haven't timed this lately but I know prior to the improved Lambda VPC networking using AWS Hyperplane rolled out 2019/2020, it could take several hours for an ENI to be cleaned up and deleted. Supposedly it's improved now ... I guess 45 mins is an improvement! :)

One workaround I heard of with CloudFormation was using a Custom Resource to force deletion of the ENI. Something to watch out for with this is that ENIs are shared across Lambda execution environments with the same security group & subnet combination, so best to use a unique security group per Function to avoid deleting an ENI in use by someone else.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • The strange thing is I am creating the security group as part of the same stack and the ENI is only used for the single lambda, so I don't see why the ENI needs to be kept for so long after deletion.

    I think I had seen something similar with the custom resource, so I might give this a try. Though deleting the ENI early via the AWS Console doesn't seem to be possible, even after CloudFormation has deleted the lambda...

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