What happens to rogue domain users when SSO is enabled?


My organization has a few users who were using AWS before we officially began managing it. Their accounts are using the same domain as us, but we're unable to see which users these are. Is there a way to see these users? What happens to these users login when we enable SSO?

2 Antworten

By rogue domains users you mean they had IAM users (credentials for login in the Console) using the domain before using the SSO? You will able to see this user on IAM console, and delete it.

They will be able to login both ways. One using the SSO and other directly through the console. Because while they have the email as username, it could be just another string. And it will be better for management, security and compliance that anyone logs under the SSO.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor einem Jahr

You can find the login events in CloudTrail and use Athena to find these events.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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